Exiles is a monograph of works by artist Emily Hass based on archival architectural plans of the Berlin buildings where Jews and persecuted artists and intellectuals lived in the 1930s. Intended to explore parallels between forced migrations during WWII and current mass displacement in Syria and elsewhere, the book project got underway just before Covid-19 emerged. The unforeseen production delays allowed time to expand the original concept to incorporate reflections on the themes of home, security, and identity in the context of the pandemic. A collaboration with Mike Dyer of Remake Design, Exiles includes contributions from artist, potter, and writer Edmund de Waal, and curator and cultural heritage historian Kristin Parker.
Exiles is available at:
192 Tenth Avenue New York, NY 10011
(212) 255 4022
Katherine Small Gallery (available for purchase online)
108 Beacon Street Somerville, Massachusetts 02143
(617) 576 0584